
提供: TranscribeJP
2015年11月29日 (日) 09:38時点におけるU-37 (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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The Fall of Manila

Another glorious chapter has been written in the pages of history by our valiant Army and Navy when Manila---the last outpost of American Imperialism was entered by our forces on the afternoon of January 2.
The Japanese troops converging on the city of Manila from the north and the south are reported to have begun to enter Manila on the morning of January 2.
It is not surprising that reports say that American soldiers are fleeing to the fortified island of Corregidor at the mouth of Manila Bay. General Douglas MacArthur, commander-in-chief of the American forces in East Asia, himself reportedly wounded in one of the recent bombings by Japanese planes, has left Manila and sought refuge on the same fortified island. Since there is little likelihood of Japanese air forces overlooking those forces fleeing from Manila, the scene now being enacted around Manila Bay may be akin to what transpired at Dunkirk about two years ago. 
The fall of Manila, although it will be followed by more or less persistent forms of guerrilla warfare, must shortly lead to the complete subjugation of the island of Luzon by Japanese arms.  The second largest and populous island of Mindanao has been in the hands of Japanese troops for some time. The Japanese capture of these islands is important for a two-fold reason. First, it means the loss of the East Asia outpost of American Imperialism, the base for the past forty years for the expansion of American capitalism on the Asiatic mainland. Second, it means the loss of a second keypoint in the trigangular line of defense formed with Hongkong and Singapore, the so-called ABCD encirclement line against Japan. Of these three vital points in the aggressive triangle only Singapore now remains.

<trjpft> 「What Japan is fighting for」: 前頁 | 次頁 近代デジタルライブラリーの当該頁へ <astyle><gstyle>新旧字混在</gstyle><kstyle>仮名遣い混在</kstyle><tstyle>Wikiのみ</tstyle></astyle> </trjpft>