
提供: TranscribeJP
2015年12月27日 (日) 04:45時点におけるU-37 (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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The United States airbase at Ford's Island being bombed by Japanese naval warplanes. Note the spout in the distance, showing a Japanese bomb bursting in the midst of, the Amercian battleships. (Photo Courtesy the Imperial Japanese Navy)

A rousing banzai is given the gallant naval fliers just before they took off from a warship in Hawaiian waters to blow the U.S. Pacifix Fleet to bits. (Photo Courtesy the Imperial Japanese Navy)

<trjpft> 「What Japan is fighting for」: 前頁 | 次頁 近代デジタルライブラリーの当該頁へ <astyle><gstyle>新旧字混在</gstyle><kstyle>仮名遣い混在</kstyle><tstyle>Wikiのみ</tstyle></astyle> </trjpft>