JAPAN is fighting for the rebirth of Freedom in Greater East Asia -a Freedom based on Hakko Ichiu, a harmonious world under one Heaven with each nation having its proper place. One by one Japan is breaking the shackles which have bound the countries of this sphere in a state of semi-slavery for a hundred years and more. It is establishing a New Order in place of the policy of Greed and Hypocricy which has been imposed upon this sphere by the Anglo-American plunderers, who, by enslaving, repressing and combatting the peoples pf Greater East Asia, have kept us from becoming prosperous, free and happy. When Japan succeeds in imbuing the United States and Great Britain with respect for the nations and peoples of this sphere, it will have rendered a notable service to humanity; it will have paved the way for the reign of peace throughout the world.
<trjpft> 「What Japan is fighting for」: 前頁 | 次頁 近代デジタルライブラリーの当該頁へ <astyle><gstyle>新旧字混在</gstyle><kstyle>仮名遣い混在</kstyle><tstyle>Wikiのみ</tstyle></astyle> </trjpft>