
提供: TranscribeJP
2015年11月5日 (木) 14:16時点におけるU-37 (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

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This articles in this pamphlet are reprinted from The Japan Times & Advertiser. They offer a clear picture of the misdeeds of the United States and Great Britain and succinctly present Japan's aims and aspirations for the creation of a New Order in Greater East Asia.

CONTENTS: Page The Greatest Event in Japanese History....1 'Clouds Over Mountains'................................3 The Fall of Manila............................................6 Impossible Promises.......................................9 The Anglo-American Depredators..............12 Occupation of Hongkong..............................15 Davao and Wake............................................17 Make the World Safe from Democracy.......17 Sunset of the British Empire.........................19 Japan's Food Problem...................................21 Thailand-Our Ally............................................23 Spitting in God's Face....................................26 Japanese Explosive.......................................28

<trjpft> 「What Japan is fighting for」: 前頁 | 次頁 近代デジタルライブラリーの当該頁へ <astyle><gstyle>新旧字混在</gstyle><kstyle>仮名遣い混在</kstyle><tstyle>Wikiのみ</tstyle></astyle> </trjpft>